Dates to Know
No School Days:
​September 5th Labor Day
October 7th Planning Day
November 11th Veterans Day
November 21-25 Fall Break
December 19- Jan 2 Winter Break
January 3rd Planning Day
January 16th Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday
Febuary 20th President's Day
March 20-24 Spring Break
March 27th Planning Day
April 7th Good Friday
Early-Release Days:
December 14-15 Semester Exams
December 16th
May 24-25 Semester Exams
May 26th Last day of School
ESE Mission Statement
The purpose of the Exceptional Student Education program is to help each child with a disability progress in school and prepare for life after school. The primary goal of the ESE program is to provide a free, appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. Santa Rosa County provides a continuum of placement options for students with mild, moderate, and severe exceptionalities. Policies, programs, and procedures are established in accordance with state and federal regulations and requirements.
For more information about the Exceptional Student Education program, go to